Bible Studies


While there are many books written about Christian discipleship, there are not nearly enough books on discipleship that primarily expound the Bible itself. The Apostle John wrote three letters, however, with the main purpose of helping disciples to grow.

That You May Know: A Primer on Christian Discipleship is an enriching study that will lead you through John’s teaching on following Jesus as a disciple.

This book is more than a commentary and more than a topical book on the subject of Christian discipleship. Instead, this is a primer on Christian discipleship written as a careful reading of God’s word in 1, 2 & 3 John. It’s ideal for your own individual devotional reading or as a helpful resource for your group Bible study.

Download the First Two Chapters of That You May Know for Free

Bible Studies: Paul's Letter to the Philippians

Studies from my forthcoming pastoral commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, Have This Mind: A Primer on the Cruciform Life.

Access the complete set of Bible studies from Philippians here.

Bible Studies: The Gospel of John

Access the complete set of Bible studies from the Gospel of John here.

Bible Studies: The Book of Genesis

Access the complete set of Bible studies from Genesis here.

Genesis 3:8–24: The Curse

Genesis 3:8–24: The Curse

When Yahweh God confronts the rebellion of Adam and Eve, he curses his creation while still extending them mercy. (Exposition of Genesis 3:8–24)

Genesis 3:1–7: The Fall

Genesis 3:1–7: The Fall

Satan’s strategy for luring us into sin is fairly consistent. He tempts us to doubt whether God’s word is good, true, and relevant. (Exposition of Genesis 3:1–7)

Genesis 2:4–25: Humanity

Genesis 2:4–25: Humanity

Genesis 2:4–25 is the most important reflection on human nature, human work, and human marriage. (Exposition of Genesis 2:4–25)

Genesis 1:1–2:3: Creation

Genesis 1:1–2:3: Creation

Beyond telling us what happened at the beginning of time, Genesis 1:1–2:3 tells us why it happened and what God’s work in creation means for our lives today. (Exposition of Genesis 1:1–2:3)

Bible Studies: Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians

Access the current set of Bible studies from 1 Corinthians here. This series is in progress.

Bible Studies: The Letters of John

Access the complete set of Bible studies from the Letters of John here.

Bible Studies: The Gospel of Luke

Access a handful of Bible studies from the Gospel of Luke here. These were studies written during the Advent season of 2018. At the moment, I do not have plans to continue working through the Gospel of Luke; however, I wanted to make these few studies available online for whomever may benefit from them.

Bible Studies: The Book of Ecclesiastes

Bible Studies: The Gospel of Matthew

Matthew 9:1–13: The Authority to Forgive Sinners

Matthew 9:1–13: The Authority to Forgive Sinners

So far, Matthew has portrayed the authority of Jesus in human matters. In Matthew 9, we see that Jesus possesses authority even over matters that belong to God. Namely, Jesus has the authority to forgive sinners. (Exposition of Matthew 9:1–13)

Matthew 8:1–17: The Authority to Cleanse our Sin

Matthew 8:1–17: The Authority to Cleanse our Sin

After the crowds began to recognize Jesus’ authority as a teacher (Matt. 7:29), Jesus demonstrated his authority as a healer. Ultimately, Jesus has authority to cleanse us from sin. (Exposition of Matthew 8:1–17)

Matthew 7:24–29: Building on the Rock

Matthew 7:24–29: Building on the Rock

As Jesus concludes his Sermon on the Mount, his absolute faithfulness and authority comes to the forefront. Jesus is faithful under and over God’s house. (Exposition of Matthew 7:24–29)

Matthew 7:21–23: Knowing the Lord

Matthew 7:21–23: Knowing the Lord

Jesus, the Lord and Judge of all the earth, imparts to us a solemn warning: neither words nor works can atone for your lawlessness. (Exposition of Matthew 7:21–23)

Matthew 7:15–20: Known by their Fruits

Matthew 7:15–20: Known by their Fruits

Jesus warns us to beware of false prophets who would lead us through the wide gate and down the easy way. Your leaders’ roots will determine your fruits. (Exposition of Matthew 7:15–20)