Category: The Gospel of Matthew


The Gospel of Matthew


Matthew 6:19–24: Eyes on the Master

While we feel that we are in control of our sideways glances, Jesus teaches that what we gaze upon controls us. Our eyes shape our hearts to serve a master. (Exposition of Matthew 6:19–24)

The Gospel of Matthew

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Matthew 15:10–20: The Defilement of Sin

Jesus teaches that we do not enter his kingdom through mechanical ceremonies, but by repentance and faith. Sin defiles the soul, not ceremony. (Exposition of Matthew 15:10–20)

The Gospel of Matthew


Matthew 26:26–29: The Lord’s Supper

As Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper, he offers true communion with him. That is, Jesus offers himself to us in the Lord’s Supper. (Exposition of Matthew 26:26–29)