Matthew 27:11–26: Rendering a Verdict

by Mar 10, 2025Premium, The Gospel of Matthew

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There is a reason that we confess in the Apostles’ Creed that Jesus “suffered under Pontius Pilate,” since Pilate alone made the final decision to crucify Jesus. Yet, in Matthew 27:11–26, we see how conflicted Pilate was about the decision, finding Jesus innocent at multiple points. While Pilate had a unique role to play in history, there is an analogy for the verdict that Pilate eventually had to render and the necessity for each person to come to personal faith in Jesus. Although separated from Pilate by millennia, geography, and our position, nevertheless, like Pilate, every person must render a verdict about Jesus.

Discussion Questions

1. Why did Jesus “stand” before Pilate (v.11a)? Why did Pilate ask Jesus whether he was “the King of the Jews” (v. 11b)? Why do you think Jesus responded by simply saying, “You have said so” (very. 11c)? Why did Jesus remain silent under the rest of the accusations brought against him (vv. 12–14)? How close to faith—and how far away—was Pilate when he “was greatly amazed” at Jesus’ behavior while on trial (v. 14)?

2. Who was Barabbas (v. 16; Mark 15:7; Luke 23:19; John 18:40)? Why does Pilate offer the crowd a choice between Barabbas and Jesus (v. 17)? How did Pilate perceive the “envy” of the religious leaders (v. 18)? How close to faith—and how far away—was Pilate’s wife in her advice to Pilate (v. 19)? What did Pilate expect would happen in the choice between Barabbas and Jesus? What is the danger of rendering our verdict on the basis of others?

3. How does Pilate’s statement, “see to it yourselves,” parallel the response of the chief priests to Judas (v. 24; Matt. 27:4)? How does Pilate’s hand-washing ceremony to rid himself of Jesus’ bloodguilt parallel the concern of the chief priests about the uncleanness of the blood money (v. 24; Matt. 27:6)? How does the embracing of Jesus’ blood by the crowd parallel Judas’s concern over his betrayal of innocent blood (v. 25; Matt. 27:4)? What do these parallels suggest?

4. With which of these wrong responses to Jesus (amazed by Jesus, pressured about Jesus, washing hands of Jesus) most closely parallels your own struggles with faith? Have you genuinely trusted in Jesus, or only come close, while keeping him at arms’ length from you? What would change if you truly entrusted yourself to Jesus? How do Jesus’ actions in this story show you how eminently trustworthy he is for you?