Category: Premium

Matthew 26:36–46: Watch and Pray

In contrast to the sleeping disciples, Jesus both teaches and models a critical lesson in Gethsemane: watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation. (Exposition of Matthew 26:36–46)

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Matthew 26:30–35: Denying Jesus

Though Jesus’ disciples make brash promises, they all fail him. The Good Shepherd died for sheep who are helpless to help him. (Exposition of Matthew 26:30–35)

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Matthew 15:10–20: The Defilement of Sin

Jesus teaches that we do not enter his kingdom through mechanical ceremonies, but by repentance and faith. Sin defiles the soul, not ceremony. (Exposition of Matthew 15:10–20)


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Matthew 15:10–20: The Defilement of Sin

Jesus teaches that we do not enter his kingdom through mechanical ceremonies, but by repentance and faith. Sin defiles the soul, not ceremony. (Exposition of Matthew 15:10–20)



Matthew 26:36–46: Watch and Pray

In contrast to the sleeping disciples, Jesus both teaches and models a critical lesson in Gethsemane: watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation. (Exposition of Matthew 26:36–46)