Category: Premium

Matthew 23:1–12: Spiritual Leadership

As Jesus opens his denunciation against Israel’s spiritual leaders, he begins with a foundational principle: church leadership is spiritual leadership. (Exposition of Matthew 23:1–12)

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Matthew 22:34–40: The Great Commandment

As the Pharisees try to trap Jesus into ranking the various degrees of importance for commandments, Jesus reunifies the commandments under a single theme: love is the fulfilling of the law. (Exposition of Matthew 22:34–40)

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Matthew 22:23–33: The God of the Living

When the Sadducees try to discredit the resurrection with a surface-level reading of Scripture, Jesus shows the deeper promises of the gospel: Christ is our resurrection hope in life and in death. (Exposition of Matthew 22:23–33)

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Matthew 7:7–11: Ask, and It Will Be Given

Despite God's endless faithfulness to us, we still struggle to pray because we ultimately struggle to trust God. Jesus seeks to correct this by insisting that, when we pray, God only gives us good gifts. (Exposition of Matthew 7:7–11)


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Matthew 15:10–20: The Defilement of Sin

Jesus teaches that we do not enter his kingdom through mechanical ceremonies, but by repentance and faith. Sin defiles the soul, not ceremony. (Exposition of Matthew 15:10–20)



Matthew 23:25–39: Formalism and Hypocrisy

In the second half of his woes, Jesus rebukes the scribes and Pharisees for formalism and hypocrisy. Seek refuge under the shadow of Christ's wing. (Exposition of Matthew 23:25–39)