Matthew 26:36–46: Watch and Pray
Second only to the cross itself, Jesus’ prayer in the garden of Gethsemane represents one of the greatest mysteries concerning the union of Christ’s two natures (divine and human) in one person. Here, we see the eternal, infinite, omnipotent Son of God stumbling, sorrowful, anguished, and fearful to the point of death. Here, we see the one who is perfect light and life writhing uncomfortably under the dark shadow of death. Here, we see the one who was strong being made weak for us and for our salvation. Here, Christ models for us how we too ought to approach areas and moments of our own weakness by teaching us to watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.
Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus left many of his disciples behind while he went to pray (v. 36)? Why do you think that Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John (v. 37)? How should we understand the depth, reality, and fullness of the sorrow, anguish, and fear that Jesus suffered in Gethsemane (v. 37–38)? How should we understand his prayer for the cup of suffering to pass from him, when he knew that it was the Father’s will for him to die on the cross (v. 39)?
2. Why were the disciples sleeping (v. 40)? What does this tell us about their weakness in comparison and contrast to Jesus’ weakness? How does their sleeping contrast with the boasts they had made only a little earlier that same night (Matt. 26:33–35)? What does it mean to “watch” (v. 41a)? Why must we “pray” (v. 41b)? What does it mean to “enter into temptation” (v. 41c)? What does Jesus mean when he warns us that the spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak (v. 41d)?
3. How is Jesus’ prayer in v. 42 different from his prayer in v. 39? What does this difference tell us about the effectiveness of his prayers so far? How does Jesus’ strengthening resolve to suffer inform us about what we are doing when we go to the Lord in prayer? What does Jesus teach us here about seeking the will of God, even when that will lead us into times of trial and sorrow? During such moments, what can prayer do for us?
4. What difference did it make that Jesus spent this time praying while his disciples slept? How does this account for Jesus’ calm and faith-filled response when he encounters Judas, in distinction from the sinfully angry and fearful responses of his disciples in Matthew 26:47–56? What does Hebrews 4:14–16 teach us about the help that Jesus offers to sinners like us? How does Paul’s threefold prayer both follow Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane and teach us how to pray (2 Cor. 12:8–9)?