John 2:1–12: The Abundance of Jesus

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The Word has become flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14), and John the Baptist has revealed the Incarnate Word (Jesus) as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), even sending his own disciples to follow after Jesus (John 1:35). Then, in the last stage of his preparation for ministry, Jesus has gathered to himself the beginnings of his disciples (John 2:2). Without further preparation, Jesus now begins the course of work that he has come to do. While we still might expect that Jesus would choose to make some kind of a big a splash for his launch into public ministry, Jesus nevertheless performs the first of his miraculous signs to manifest his glory (John 2:11) not from the top of the temple in Jerusalem, but in secret at a wedding feast in backwater Cana in Galilee, where the (likely poor) bridegroom has run out of wine (John 2:3).

John’s purposes in relaying us this story go far beyond simply providing us an anecdote of Jesus’ getting someone out of a problem. Instead, this miracle of turning the water into wine is a sign that symbolizes and signifies something about Jesus, both in his identity and his mission. Let us turn our attention to John’s narrative with an ear carefully attuned to hear how Jesus manifests his glory through this, the first of his miracles.