The Work of Christ – Part 2 (Discipleship Training)
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The Work of Christ (Part 2): In the first part of our study on the work of Christ, we examined Christ’s estate of humiliation, where he took the form of a servant and humbled himself all the way in obedience to death on a cross. In this study, we will examine Christ’s estate of exaltation.
From all eternity, the Son has existed in the form of God (Phil. 2:6), but he willingly emptied himself by taking the form of a servant (Phil. 2:7). When we describe his office of exaltation, we are not saying that Christ shed his humanity to return to the form of God, apart from his human nature. Instead, when we speak about Christ’s office of exaltation, we are saying that as a man he has ascended to the right hand of the Father, where he directs us by his word as our Prophet, makes intercession for us as our Priest, and reigns as King.
One day, Christ will complete the course of his estate of exaltation when he returns to judge the world.
Training Objective
To understand Christ’s estate of exaltation as a critical part of his work as our Mediator.
Read and discuss:
- Philippians 2:9–11: After his humiliation, Christ was exalted as Lord to the right hand of the Father
- Acts 2:24–36: God preventing Christ’s body from seeing corruption, raised him up from the dead, gave him the promise of the Holy Spirit, and made him Lord
- 1 Thess. 4:13–18: Christ will return to resurrect the dead so that we will always be with the Lord
- 1 Corinthians 15:20–28: Christ must reign as Mediator until all his enemies—including death—are put under his feet
Read and discuss:
- Westminster Confession of Faith, Ch. 8:4b
- Westminster Larger Catechism #51–56
- Westminster Shorter Catechism #28
Discussion Questions
- How does Christ’s estate of humiliation connect with his estate of exaltation?
- What are the various parts of Christ’s estate of exaltation?
- Of the various parts of Christ’s estate of exaltation, what has already taken place? What is in process? What is yet to come?
- Worship Christ, our Resurrected Lord, exalted over sin, death, and the devil, and reigning at the Father’s right hand
- Pray that Christ would come quickly! (Rev. 22:20)
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