Find all my discipleship training plans here. Feel free to use or adjust these plans however you see fit.
To learn more about this series, see the introductory post: Discipleship Training and The Lost Art of Disciple Making (LeRoy Eims).
The Church (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #32: The Church. What is the church? Who belongs to the church? How should Christians relate to the church? What does Christ want from his church?
Last Things (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #31: Last Things. How should Christians think about death? What is the future hope of Christians beyond death? What is the warning God gives for those who do not believe in Christ?
The Lord’s Supper: Part 2 – Practice (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #30: The Lord’s Supper: Part 2 (Practice). How should we prepare to receive the Lord’s Supper, with a view toward our union and communion with Christ, and with our fellow believers?
The Lord’s Supper: Part 1 – Doctrine (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #29: The Lord’s Supper: Part 1 (Doctrine). The Lord’s Supper is not another sacrifice of Christ, but it is more than a symbol. What do the Scriptures teach us about the doctrine of the Lord’s Supper?
Baptism: Part 2 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #28: Baptism: Part 2. How does the concept of covenant help us to understand the purpose of baptism, as well as the proper recipients of baptism? How does baptize teach that salvation comes by faith alone?
Baptism: Part 1 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #27: Baptism: Part 1. What are the sacraments? What is baptism? How does God intend for us to administer baptism as a sign and a seal of the covenant of grace?
The Lord’s Prayer (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #26: The Lord’s Prayer. How does our Lord teach us to pray through “the Lord’s Prayer”? How does the Lord’s Prayer offer a comprehensive summary of all our prayer?
Word and Prayer (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #25: Word and Prayer. How does God use the ordinary means of grace—especially word and prayer—to disciple his people?
Worship, Sabbath, and the Regulative Principle (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #24: Worship, Sabbath, and the Regulative Principle. How does God command us to worship him in the Bible? What role should the Sabbath play in our lives?
The Ten Commandments – Part 4 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #23: Ten Commandments – Part 4. How does the Second Table of the Law (Commandments 6–10) teach us about how to love our neighbor as ourselves?
The Ten Commandments – Part 3 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #22: Ten Commandments – Part 3. What does the Fourth Commandment have to say to Christians today? How should Christians honor lawful authority in this world (Fifth Commandment)?
The Ten Commandments – Part 2 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #21: Ten Commandments – Part 2. What does the first table of the law teach us about whom to worship, how to worship, and what spirit in which we should worship?
The Ten Commandments – Part 1 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #20: Ten Commandments – Part 1. How do the Ten Commandments function as a summary of God’s whole moral law?
How does the rest of the Bible unpack the Ten Commandments? What aggravations make some sins more heinous than others?
The Law of God (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #19: The Law of God. The Bible teaches that our good works play no role in our justification. But, the Bible teaches us to be devoted to good works as the fruit of our salvation. How does this work?
Christian Living in the World (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #18: Christian Living in the World. What does the Bible teach about Christian liberty, oaths and vows, the civil magistrate, and marriage and divorce? What principles should guide our lives in the wider world?
Perseverance and Assurance (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #17: Perseverance and Assurance. How can I be sure that I have salvation? Perseverance offers God’s objective promises, while assurance gives us the subjective confidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Sanctification and Repentance (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #16: Adoption and Saving Faith. Not only are we justified legally, but we are adopted as God’s children relationally, and counted heirs with Christ. All this comes by saving, justifying faith in Christ alone.
Adoption and Saving Faith (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #15: Adoption and Saving Faith. Not only are we justified legally, but we are adopted as God’s children relationally, and counted heirs with Christ. All this comes by saving, justifying faith in Christ alone.
Justification (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #14: Justification. How do we find forgiveness of sins? How are we made righteous in Christ? What role does faith play in our justification? Do our works play any role in our justification?
Free Will and Effectual Calling (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #13: Free Will and Effectual Calling. What does it mean that we choose freely, and yet our will is in bondage? How do we find freedom from our slavery to sin through the power of the Holy Spirit?
The Work of Christ – Part 3 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #12: The Work of Christ (Part 3). How do we gain the benefits of Christ’s mediation? What is the work of the Holy Spirit in uniting us to Christ? How is the work of redemption a work of all three persons of the Trinity?
The Work of Christ – Part 2 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #11: The Work of Christ (Part 2). What is Christ’s estate of exaltation? Why is Christ’s estate of exaltation necessary for our salvation? What has already happened, what is happening now, and what are we still awaiting?
The Work of Christ – Part 1 (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #10: The Work of Christ (Part 1). What do Christ’s anointed offices as Prophet, Priest, and King teach us about his work? Why did Christ have to humble himself to accomplish our salvation?
The Person of Christ (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #9: The Person of Christ. What do we mean when we confess that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human? What did God send his Son into this world to be to us as our Mediator?
God’s Covenant with Man (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #8: God’s Covenant with Man. What is a covenant, and why are covenants so important? What is the difference between God’s covenant with his people in the Old and New Testaments?
The Fall of Man, Sin, & God’s Punishment (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #7: Sin. How did humankind fall from the good world that God created? What lingering effects does the corruption of our original sin have? How do we fight sin by repentance and faith?
Providence (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #6: Providence. How does God preserve and govern all his creatures, and all their actions? How does God’s providence relate to “natural” causes for events, and even to sin?
Creation (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #5: Creation. What does God tell us about creation? How do Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 fit together? How should we respond to God’s marvelous work of creation?
Is God Sovereign Over My Salvation? (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #4: Is God actually sovereign over the salvation of people? Does he predestine some to life, and foreordain others to condemnation? Here is what the Bible teaches on this “high mystery.”
Who is God? (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #3: Who is God? What does it mean that our one God exists as three Persons? How do the three Persons relate to each other? How do we relate to our one God in his three Persons?
What Should We Do With the Bible? (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #2: If the Bible is God’s breathed-out word, what should we do with it? Suggested resources for reading, studying, meditating, applying, and memorizing the Bible.
What is the Bible? (Discipleship Training)
Discipleship Training #1: What is the Bible? Why is the Bible so important? What makes the Bible different from other books in the world? Christian discipleship requires us to understand the nature of the Bible.
Discipleship Training and The Lost Art of Disciple Making (LeRoy Eims)
I love that The Lost Art of Disciple Making by LeRoy Eims offers a clear plan for training disciples. As a pastor, here is my suggestion for how to adjust Eims’s plan to offer a more robust vision of the church.